Matin Haji Company Ltd LLC main office islocated in Qurban District, Quba, Al Madina AlMunawara, Saudi Arabia. We maintain a vastnetwork and good relationship between ourclients and manpower in our main electro-mechanical business across the Kingdom. Weare always just a phone call, message or emailaway. Our 24/7 365 working days a yearservice not only meets but also exceeds theexpectations of some of the largest companiesin the country.The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is well known forits strong economy, visionary leadership andbusiness friendly environment. Our employeesare motivated, hardworking and efficient andhelpful in keeping all the problems undercontrol and maintaining possible solutions.We have successfully completed about 45projects in the capital and mega cities of SaudiArabia. We have been able to share thecomplete satisfaction of our esteemedclients/project handlers and inspection teamsfor the fastest and most excellent handoverprocess of the projects.We also have Travel & Tourism package tomaking your travel happy, safe, comfortable.
>>Our Strengths: Your Advantage--
Our steady growth is maintained by our ability to meet the changing needs of the market. Moreover, modern machinery and IT technology have brought about radical improvements in the world of electromechanical constructions. We are always committed to providing updated services to our customers.
We are committed to serving you with quality installation and job performance, with our knowledge and experience in the commercial and industrial sectors for over ten years, so that the project flows smoothly from submission to final inspection. Thank you very much for being your trusted buyer in a competitive business with diligence.
Matin Haji Company Limited LLC offers premium electro-mechanical services with a dynamic and dedicated sales force to successfully complete your dream projects. We also committed to making your travels safe, comfortable and convenient and to meeting the demand of your building materials, daily food products (spices, rice, sugar, & chocolate) and consumer products (clothing, crafts, household items).
Our Mission
To deliver exceptional electro-mechanical solutions and premium services while exceeding client expectations with quality, innovation, and reliability.
Our Vision
To be a leading force in electro-mechanical solutions and trusted providers of travel, consumer, and building products across Saudi Arabia and beyond.
Our Value
Commitment to quality, integrity, customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth while fostering strong relationships with our clients and workforce.
We follow a systematic approach from planning to execution, ensuring efficiency and quality at every step. Our team collaborates closely to deliver seamless and timely project completion.